Marketing Editions

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Mavericklike â†—

Does your mind never stop? Are you often misunderstood? Do you feel you never achieve your true potential? Maybe your self-esteem is not what you think it should be? You may be a maverick, and there is a solution! Find out in a couple of minutes by taking the FREE test!

IdeaVanguard - Haim Schlesinger

Idea Vanguard â†—

Exciting new venture incorporates several initiatives which explore ideas and ideation with an emphasis on the intersection between theory and practice.

MyDailyIdeas - Haim Schlesinger

My Daily Ideas â†—

A few years ago, I did an experiment where I created 10 new ideas every day for 3 months. I published it as a website where you can browse, search, and read them all.

TV Work

In 2008 I created 44 mentalism performance acts for the Hungarian TV2 channel's live show series called "The Successor."
